John Zia Oram says “Let’s Keep Our Teen’s Safe“
Be the dealership in Metro Detroit that supports the Teen Safe Driving Program!

Almost Half of Teen* Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes Die
- In 2011, teens 14 to 18 represented 7 percent of the U.S. population. Many of these 21 million young people were preparing to drive or beginning their driving careers.
- In 2011, 20 percent of 14- to 18-year olds died in motor vehicle crashes while driving with an invalid license.
- Speeding was a factor in crashes for 35 percent of the teen drivers in fatal crashes in 2011.
- Fatal teen driver crashes are most frequent between 3 and 8 p.m., but remain high until midnight.
- No Cell Phones
- No Speeding
- No Alcohol
- No Extra Passengers
- Always Buckle Up
- Parent-Teen Driving Contract
- Setting Ground Rules
- Source: Teen Driver Source

A Dealership That Cares
- With thousands of new drivers hitting the roads this year we need to constantly remind them to be safe and avoid distractions.
- Our program will include a minimum of (12) safe driving messages during the busiest travel days of the year: New Years’ Eve, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas brought to our listening audience by your dealership.
- The Teen Safe Driving Club will be posted on all of our website.
- The Teen Safe Driving Club applications will be available at your dealership(s) and online at our station websites along with the Parent – Teen driving contract.
- John will invite local law enforcement agencies in during drive time leading up to busy travel holidays to remind all drivers the importance of safety brought to our listeners by your dealership.
- Every weekend we will air messages from 6pm – 9pm reminding teens and parents that these hours are the most dangerous for teen drivers brought to our listeners by your dealership.

Now Is The Time!

- With the long winter and pent up demand for new and used vehicles now is the time to act.
- Separate your dealership from others in the price and rate game in a very cluttered market in Metro Detroit!
The Dealership will receive the following:
- Inclusion in a minimum of (20) weekly messages promoting the Teen Safe Driving Program.
- Ownership with a minimum of (12) messages during the busiest travel days of the year.
- On going banner ads on all of our websites promoting the Teen Safe Driving Program including a link on the landing page for the Teen Safe Driving Club and the Parent – Teen Driving contract
- Sponsorship of the law enforcement interviews surrounding the travel days.